Owen's Defence
1. e4 e6 2. Nf3 b6 3. d4 Bb7 4. Bd3 Nf6 5. Nbd2 c5 6. c3 d5 7. e5 Nfd7 8. 0-0
The French opening has transposed into an Owen's Defence. Black now goes for a thematic move that is actually unplayable in this position:
8. ... f6 9. Re1 (good, but instead the sacrifice Ng5 is killing) f5 10. Nf1 (another stronger knight sacrifice that I did not see is Nc4) h6
Another mistake. Black has the illusion that he has the play on the kingside, whereas in fact it is white who dominates there. For the third time I could have played a winning piece sacrifice (Bxf5!), and for the third time I did not even look at it. Oh boy.
11. b3 g5 12. Ng3 (guess what? I missed a fourth winning sacrifice, with Nh4...) g4 13. Nd2 (hey! the sacrifice Bxf5 wins! That's five...) h5 14. Nfd1 (Bxf5 was still an option... that's six...) h4
It looks pretty threatening, but I finally went for a winning sacrifice - even though in hindsight the inferior one, as Bxf5 is even better....
15. Nxf5 exf5 16. Bxf5 Nc6
Loses immediately, but even after Qe7 black is completely lost.
17. Bg6+ Ke7 18. Bg5+ 1-0
A bizarre game. In an 18 moves miniature I missed SIX winning sacrifices before finally making one. And black was not a beginner: he had been a member at the site for a year and had a rating just a bit lower than mine.
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